Who Was This Guy?

I was taking an afternoon walk around the French fort when I noticed a lot of commotion around the Phoenix Building. As I got closer, I could see that a crowd of Vietnamese Special Forces men had surrounded a jeep and were staring at a Caucasian man sitting in the passenger seat. He appeared emaciated, wearing a tattered uniform. One of the Vietnamese Special Forces men gave the man some water and he was thanked in French. My curiosity got to me and I worked my way closer to the jeep. My first impression was that he might be an American POW that had escaped from the Viet Cong. When the man asked me something in French, my jaw dropped; could this man be a French Legionnaire who had fought in the First Indochina War?
The soldier sat in the jeep for about a half hour before being taken inside the Phoenix Building. Several minutes later another jeep with two Americans in civilian clothing (CIA) arrived, and before long, they left with the Frenchman.
Why I find this story so intriguing was that none of the other Americans in our compound had even heard about it; not even the two Army Intelligence Officers that worked in the Phoenix Building knew anything about it. I thought for sure the press would have picked up the story, but for some reason, it has never been published.
In 1969, my not being in the Phoenix intelligence loop almost drove me crazy, but I now realize the CIA probably took the Frenchman to their compound and debriefed him. Once again, I did not have a “need to know.” In the years since the war ended, I have never read or heard anything about a French Legionnaire being found in Vietnam during the time I was there. Who knows, maybe the soldier was a French deserter and France hushed the story.